
Mid Massachusetts News

Saturday, February 22, 2025

How much did farmers in Worcester County receive in taxpayer-funded subsidies in 2021?

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Farms in Worcester County received $621,458 in taxpayer-funded subsidies in 2021, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Of the 225 subsidies provided, the largest was for Howe's Farm and Garden, LLC, which received $56,458 for the claim of "Web-Based NAP ".

The smallest subsidy provided to a Worcester County farmer was $3 to J Norman East Trust.

There were 273 fewer subsidies than the year before, and the total value of the subsidies fell by $1,773,100.

Kimberly Amadeo of The Balance said farmer subsidies "help high-income corporations, not poor rural farmers. Most of the money goes toward large agribusinesses."

USDA data analyzed by the Cato Institute found that "farmers (on net) have derived almost 40% of their income directly from the U.S. government” in recent years.

The U.S. has provided farm subsidies since the Great Depression to assist farmers who weather price fluctuations and disasters to help maintain consistent farming across the country.

Subsidies Received by Worcester County Code Farmers in 2021
Farmer$ ReceivedReason for SubsidyTotal Received in Subsidies by Farmer ($)
Howe's Farm and Garden, LLC$56,458Web-Based NAP $57,669
Blanchflower Logging, Inc.$50,875Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program$52,875
Sean Conway$50,875Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program$52,875
Steven Guillotte$46,002Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program$48,002
Brett Mann$33,415Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program$35,415
Ashley Howard$22,880Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$22,951
Charles Woodward Jr.$17,824Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program$19,824
Glenn S. Stillman$16,853Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$17,743
Neil A. Zanni$12,799Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$12,799
Buzz and Thrive, Inc.$12,280Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$12,280
Beth Stuerman$12,273Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$15,698
Meadowbrook Orchards, Inc.$11,682Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$11,682
Carter and Stevens Farm, LLC$11,170Livestock Forage Disaster Program$61,812
Levon Kachadoorian$9,854Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$9,854
David W. Salem$9,310Livestock Forage Disaster Program$13,462
Lanni Orchards, Inc.$8,322Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$8,322
Carter and Stevens Farm, LLC$6,056Dairy Margin Coverage Program$61,812
Carter and Stevens Farm, LLC$5,443Dairy Margin Coverage Program$61,812
Herron Farms, LLC$5,116Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$6,899
Carter and Stevens Farm, LLC$4,674Dairy Margin Coverage Program$61,812
Sandra Evangelista$4,671Livestock Forage Disaster Program$7,783
Carter and Stevens Farm, LLC$4,645Dairy Margin Coverage Program$61,812
Carter and Stevens Farm, LLC$4,332Dairy Margin Coverage Program$61,812
Walnut Lane, LLC$4,204Livestock Forage Disaster Program$4,408
Steven R. Holmes$4,107Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program$6,107
Stanley Grigas$3,811Dairy Margin Coverage Program$29,796
Carter and Stevens Farm, LLC$3,719Dairy Margin Coverage Program$61,812
Carter and Stevens Farm, LLC$3,662Dairy Margin Coverage Program$61,812
Carter and Stevens Farm, LLC$3,648Dairy Margin Coverage Program$61,812
John M. Winsky$3,612Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$5,625
Steven Clarkson$3,607Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program$5,607
John Stephenson$3,455Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$3,455
Stanley Grigas$3,426Dairy Margin Coverage Program$29,796
Beth Stuerman$3,425Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$15,698
David W. Salem$3,422Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$13,462
Carter and Stevens Farm, LLC$3,363Dairy Margin Coverage Program$61,812
Jane R. Duderstadt$3,345Wildfires and Hurricanes Indemnity Program - Plus 3 Assistance Program$7,034
J Norman East Trust$3,306Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$3,339
Carter and Stevens Farm, LLC$3,121Dairy Margin Coverage Program$61,812
Stanley Grigas$2,941Dairy Margin Coverage Program$29,796
Stanley Grigas$2,924Dairy Margin Coverage Program$29,796
Thistle Rock Farm, LLC$2,923Livestock Forage Disaster Program$3,420
Jane R. Duderstadt$2,853Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$7,034
Stanley Grigas$2,726Dairy Margin Coverage Program$29,796
Hollis Hills Farm, Inc.$2,617Web-Based NAP $4,489
James H. Koebke$2,467Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$2,467
David H. Rota$2,443Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$3,060
Joan R. Walker$2,396Livestock Forage Disaster Program$3,607
Carter and Stevens Farm, LLC$2,380Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$61,812
Stanley Grigas$2,341Dairy Margin Coverage Program$29,796
Stanley Grigas$2,305Dairy Margin Coverage Program$29,796
Stanley Grigas$2,296Dairy Margin Coverage Program$29,796
Stillman Dairy Farm$2,229Livestock Forage Disaster Program$2,273
Audrey East Living Trust$2,211Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$2,801
David E. Howe$2,156Livestock Forage Disaster Program$2,196
Charlton Orchards Group, LLC$2,130Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$2,130
Stanley Grigas$2,116Dairy Margin Coverage Program$29,796
Steven Clarkson$2,000Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program$5,607
Brett Mann$2,000Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program$35,415
Charles Woodward Jr.$2,000Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program$19,824
Blanchflower Logging, Inc.$2,000Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program$52,875
Steven R. Holmes$2,000Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program$6,107
Sean Conway$2,000Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program$52,875
Steven Guillotte$2,000Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers Program$48,002
Stanley Grigas$1,964Dairy Margin Coverage Program$29,796
Matthew Koziol$1,939Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$1,939
Pollard Herbert and Nancy$1,935Livestock Forage Disaster Program$1,935
William Richardson$1,931Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$2,006
Hollis Hills Farm, Inc.$1,872Web-Based NAP $4,489
Marianne E. McCarthy$1,833Livestock Forage Disaster Program$1,833
Lawrence Favreau$1,830Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$2,656
Carter and Stevens Farm, LLC$1,544Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$61,812
Hubbard's Farm, LLC$1,531Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$2,360
John M. Winsky$1,465Livestock Forage Disaster Program$5,625
Peter W. Hawkes$1,443Livestock Forage Disaster Program$1,928
Carter and Stevens Farm, LLC$1,393Dairy Margin Coverage Program$61,812
Herbert Lee Pollard Jr.$1,316Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$1,316
Phillip Lam$1,287Livestock Forage Disaster Program$2,150
Howe's Farm and Garden, LLC$1,211Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$57,669
Joan R. Walker$1,211Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$3,607
George Hill Orchards, Inc.$1,162Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$1,162
Dennis K. Murphy$1,141Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$1,141
Joseph P. Duhamel$1,123Livestock Forage Disaster Program$1,438
John Sinkewicz$1,098Livestock Forage Disaster Program$1,246
Leobardo Mondragon$1,082Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$1,082
Ruth Kihu$1,078Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$1,078
Raymond MacMillan$1,066Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$2,217
Carter and Stevens Farm, LLC$1,040Dairy Margin Coverage Program$61,812
Carter and Stevens Farm, LLC$1,024Dairy Margin Coverage Program$61,812
Carl Rossbach$1,013Livestock Forage Disaster Program$1,013
Adams Farm Slaughterhouse, LLC$979Grasslands Reserve Program$979
The Farm School, Inc.$965Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$965
Crystal A. Maloney$953Livestock Forage Disaster Program$1,850
Crystal A. Maloney$897Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$1,850
Brianna Lo$890Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$890
Michael J. Klem$880Livestock Forage Disaster Program$1,160
Stanley Grigas$877Dairy Margin Coverage Program$29,796
Phillip Lam$863Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$2,150
Jacobson Farm$854Livestock Forage Disaster Program$1,228
Kaszowski Dairy Farm$839Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$839
Jane R. Duderstadt$836Wildfires and Hurricanes Indemnity Program - Plus 3 Assistance Program$7,034
Hubbard's Farm, LLC$829Livestock Forage Disaster Program$2,360
Shad Wells$812Livestock Forage Disaster Program$1,553
Roland N. Gaumond$792Livestock Forage Disaster Program$1,438
Keith Cutler$775Livestock Forage Disaster Program$1,203
Stanley Grigas$770Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$29,796
Steven Tucker IRRV Trustee DTD November 19, 2015$768Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$1,812
Shad Wells$741Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$1,553
David W. Salem$730Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$13,462
Raymond MacMillan$727Livestock Forage Disaster Program$2,217
Glenn S. Stillman$719Livestock Forage Disaster Program$17,743
Dawn Michelle Rosenlund$693Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$1,233
Adisson Toussaint SR$684Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$684
Stanley Grigas$655Dairy Margin Coverage Program$29,796
Roland N. Gaumond$646Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$1,438
Mark Manoogian$645Livestock Forage Disaster Program$1,068
Stanley Grigas$644Dairy Margin Coverage Program$29,796
David H. Rota$617Livestock Forage Disaster Program$3,060
Nalee Yang$616Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$616
Anna Korch$597Livestock Forage Disaster Program$1,114
Victor P. Kallgren$584Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$742
Douglas A. Waugh$583Livestock Forage Disaster Program$1,230
Herron Farms, LLC$583Price Loss Coverage Program$6,899
Jason H. Austin$582Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$582
Andrew Kimwomi$568Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$568
Lawrence Favreau$566Livestock Forage Disaster Program$2,656
Barry Nadon Sr.$566Livestock Forage Disaster Program$566
John M. Winsky$548Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$5,625
Kristin Ayotte-Lapierre$546Livestock Forage Disaster Program$546
Dawn Michelle Rosenlund$540Livestock Forage Disaster Program$1,233
Katherine Lathrop$540Livestock Forage Disaster Program$540
Anna Korch$517Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$1,114
John M Kittredge Many Hands Organic Farm$500Commodity Credit Corporation Organic Cost Share - Crops Program$800
Herron Farms, LLC$497Price Loss Coverage Program$6,899
Lukas Johan Bjorklund$489Livestock Forage Disaster Program$766
Richard Green$487Livestock Forage Disaster Program$487
Peter W. Hawkes$485Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$1,928
Douglas A. Waugh$478Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$1,230
Red River Farm, LLC$472Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$916
Audrey East Living Trust$465Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$2,801
Red River Farm, LLC$444Livestock Forage Disaster Program$916
Keith Cutler$428Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$1,203
Raymond MacMillan$425Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$2,217
Christine Humphrey$419Livestock Forage Disaster Program$419
Fred Lake$417Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$417
Herron Farms, LLC$407Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$6,899
Whitney L Deciccio$400Commodity Credit Corporation Organic Cost Share - Crops Program$400
Sandra Evangelista$399Dairy Margin Coverage Program$7,783
Vincent Magasi$394Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$394
Steven Tucker IRRV Trustee DTD November 19, 2015$384Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$1,812
Jacobson Farm$374Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$1,228
Sandra Evangelista$359Dairy Margin Coverage Program$7,783
J Norman East Family Trust$340Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$754
Carter and Stevens Farm, LLC$327Grasslands Reserve Program$61,812
Mark Manoogian$327Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$1,068
Joseph P. Duhamel$315Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$1,438
Jonathan Dupuis$309Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$309
Sandra Evangelista$308Dairy Margin Coverage Program$7,783
Sandra Evangelista$306Dairy Margin Coverage Program$7,783
John M Kittredge Many Hands Organic Farm$300Commodity Credit Corporation Organic Cost Share - Livestock Program$800
Mustafa Harrati$297Livestock Forage Disaster Program$297
Sandra Evangelista$286Dairy Margin Coverage Program$7,783
Hannah Miller$286Livestock Forage Disaster Program$388
Michael J. Klem$280Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$1,160
Lukas Johan Bjorklund$277Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$766
Lawrence Favreau$260Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$2,656
Thistle Rock Farm, LLC$258Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$3,420
Dorothy H. Benedict$257Livestock Forage Disaster Program$257
Catherine Hansgate$250Commodity Credit Corporation Organic Cost Share - Crops Program$350
Andrea Schnepf$249Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$249
Herron Farms, LLC$249Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$6,899
Sandra Evangelista$245Dairy Margin Coverage Program$7,783
Paul Grady$243Livestock Forage Disaster Program$243
Sandra Evangelista$241Dairy Margin Coverage Program$7,783
Sandra Evangelista$240Dairy Margin Coverage Program$7,783
Thistle Rock Farm, LLC$239Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$3,420
Thomas J. Colyer$235Livestock Forage Disaster Program$235
Steven Tucker IRRV Trustee DTD November 19, 2015$231Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$1,812
Sandra Evangelista$222Dairy Margin Coverage Program$7,783
Sandra Evangelista$206Dairy Margin Coverage Program$7,783
Walnut Lane, LLC$204Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$4,408
Robert Meagher$204Livestock Forage Disaster Program$306
Janet Johnson$200Commodity Credit Corporation Organic Cost Share - Crops Program$200
Robert Berube$187Livestock Forage Disaster Program$337
J Norman East Family Trust$174Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$754
Glenn S. Stillman$171Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$17,743
Douglas A. Waugh$169Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$1,230
Victor P. Kallgren$158Livestock Forage Disaster Program$742
Keith Tetreault$156Livestock Forage Disaster Program$156
Richard H. Stevens$154Grasslands Reserve Program$154
Carter and Stevens Farm, LLC$152Grasslands Reserve Program$61,812
Dianna Provencher$150Livestock Forage Disaster Program$150
Steven Tucker IRRV Trustee DTD November 19, 2015$150Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$1,812
Steven Tucker IRRV Trustee DTD November 19, 2015$150Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$1,812
Robert Berube$150Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$337
John Sinkewicz$148Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$1,246
Sangiwa Eliamani$148Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$148
Richard Mecha$148Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$148
Eben Chesebrough$141Livestock Forage Disaster Program$141
J Norman East Family Trust$135Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$754
Linda Herbison$132Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$132
Steven Tucker IRRV Trustee DTD November 19, 2015$129Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$1,812
Arlene Joyal$123Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$123
Carter and Stevens Farm, LLC$121Grasslands Reserve Program$61,812
J Norman East Family Trust$105Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$754
Robert Meagher$102Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$306
Hannah Miller$102Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$388
Catherine Hansgate$100Commodity Credit Corporation Organic Cost Share - Livestock Program$350
Mark Manoogian$96Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$1,068
Sandra Evangelista$92Dairy Margin Coverage Program$7,783
Audrey East Living Trust$77Price Loss Coverage Program$2,801
William Richardson$75Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$2,006
Sandra Evangelista$72Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$7,783
Ashley Howard$71Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Targeted Assistance for Specific Commodities$22,951
Sandra Evangelista$69Dairy Margin Coverage Program$7,783
Sandra Evangelista$67Dairy Margin Coverage Program$7,783
Greenwood Hill Farm$64Grasslands Reserve Program$64
Albert Stoddart$53Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Continuation of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act$53
Audrey East Living Trust$48Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$2,801
Herron Farms, LLC$48Conservation Reserve Program Payment - Annual Rental$6,899
Stillman Dairy Farm$44Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$2,273
David E. Howe$40Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 3 - Livestock and Poultry$2,196
J Norman East Trust$22Conservation Reserve Program - Practice Incentives Payment Program$3,339
J Norman East Trust$8Price Loss Coverage Program$3,339
J Norman East Trust$3Conservation Reserve Program - Practice Incentives Payment Program$3,339


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