
Mid Massachusetts News

Monday, March 31, 2025

How many Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander students were enrolled in Worcester County schools in 2022-23 school year?

Webp secretary of education patrick tutwiler 2023

TX Secretary of Education Patrick Tutwiler 2023 | Massachusetts Department of Education

TX Secretary of Education Patrick Tutwiler 2023 | Massachusetts Department of Education

There were 78 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander students enrolled in Worcester County schools in the 2022-23 school year, 10.3% less than the previous year, according to the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

Data showed that Worcester County welcomed a total of 117,624 students during the 2022-23 school year. Among them, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander pupils comprised 0.1% of the total, making this group the least represented ethnicity in the county.

Among the 243 schools in Worcester County, Robert E. Melican Middle School recorded the highest enrollment of Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander students in the 2022-23 school year, with a total of 12 students.

Students in Massachusetts are predominantly white, making up 53% of the student population in the state. Hispanic students come in second, representing over 25% of Massachusetts' student body.

However, across the state, Hispanic and Native American students suffered the highest high school dropout rates.

Underrepresentation is also found among educators in Massachusetts. The Rennie Center reported that only 9% of teachers are people of color.

Ethnicities in Worcester County in 2022-23 School Year

White (59.2%)Hispanic (23.7%)Asian (6.5%)African American (5.9%)Ethnicities < 5% (4.7%)

Enrollment Demographics in Worcester County Schools During 2022-23 School Year

School nameNative Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Students EnrolmentTotal Enrollment in 2022-23% of Total
A. F. Maloney School02560%
Advanced Community Experience Program050%
Albert S. Woodward Memorial School12680.4%
Alfred M. Chaffee School02870%
Algonquin Regional High School41,2130.3%
Annie E. Fales School03310%
Arthur M. Longsjo Middle School05880%
Athol Community Elementary School05720%
Athol High School04040%
Athol-Royalston Middle School04290%
Auburn Middle School06520%
Auburn Senior High School18410.1%
Bartlett High School03650%
Bay Path Regional Vocational Technical High School01,1850%
Belmont Street Community School05850%
Bennett Preschool0940%
Berlin Memorial School02200%
Blackstone Millville Regional High School03960%
Blackstone Valley School11,2300.1%
Boylston Elementary School03370%
Briggs Elementary School05240%
Bromfield School05600%
Brookfield Elementary School02910%
Brookside School05440%
Bryn Mawr School02690%
Burgess Elementary School08770%
Burncoat Middle School07120%
Burncoat Senior High School01,1790%
Burncoat Street School02400%
Calvin Coolidge School02470%
Canterbury School02940%
Center For Technical Education Innovation18000.1%
Central Tree Middle School03710%
Chandler Elementary Community School04260%
Chandler Magnet School04020%
Charlton Elementary School03370%
Charlton Middle School05920%
Charlton Street School02490%
Chocksett Middle School02790%
City View School04300%
Clara Barton School02620%
Claremont Academy04880%
Clark St. Community School02680%
Clinton Elementary School18400.1%
Clinton Middle School05450%
Clinton Senior High School15870.2%
Columbus Park School03860%
Crocker Elementary School06160%
David Prouty High School03570%
Davis Hill Elementary School04470%
Dawson School14990.2%
Doherty Memorial High School01,3440%
Douglas Elementary School03440%
Douglas High School03240%
Douglas Middle School02980%
Douglas Primary School02200%
Dudley Elementary School03430%
Dudley Middle School05470%
Early Childhood Center01300%
East Brookfield Elementary School02400%
Eastford Road School03300%
Elm Park Community School04150%
Elmwood Street School04210%
Elsie A. Hastings Elementary School04750%
Fall Brook School06150%
Fannie E. Proctor School02520%
Fitchburg High School01,2460%
Flagg Street School03590%
Floral Street School05190%
Florence Sawyer School17350.1%
Forest Grove Middle School08970%
Frances Drake School04650%
Francis J. McGrath Elementary School02080%
Frederick W. Hartnett Middle School03430%
Gardner Academy for Learning and Technology01080%
Gardner Elementary School09860%
Gardner High School08040%
Gardner Middle School04890%
Gates Lane School05440%
Gateway to College0380%
Glenwood Elementary School03330%
Goddard School/Science Technical03800%
Goodrich Academy01940%
Grafton High School18750.1%
Grafton Middle School15240.2%
Grafton Street School04270%
Hardwick Elementary School01840%
Head Start14070.2%
Heard Street School02460%
Henry P. Clough School03530%
Heritage School04530%
Hopedale Junior Senior High School24360.5%
Houghton Elementary School03280%
Hubbardston Center03050%
J Harding Armstrong School03910%
Jacob Hiatt Magnet School03720%
John F. Kennedy Elementary School01090%
Johnny Appleseed School06610%
Knox Trail Middle School03630%
La Familia Dual Language School01720%
Lake View School03080%
Leicester Elementary School04930%
Leicester High School04140%
Leicester Integrated Preschool0380%
Leicester Middle School04090%
Leominster Center for Excellence0500%
Leominster High School01,0340%
Leroy E.Mayo School04910%
Lincoln School0300%
Lincoln Street School12860.3%
Lincoln Street School02420%
Lunenburg High School34400.7%
Lunenburg Middle School13800.3%
Lunenburg Primary School13840.3%
Luther Burbank Middle School02430%
Ma Academy for Math and Science School11001%
Major Edwards Elementary School14310.2%
Major Howard W. Beal School06090%
Margaret A. Neary School02670%
Marguerite E. Peaslee School102514%
Marion E. Zeh School02510%
Mary E. Finn School03500%
Mary Rowlandson Elementary School04740%
Mason Road School02340%
May Street School12950.3%
McKay Elementary School07270%
Meetinghouse School01890%
Memorial Middle School05810%
Memorial School05180%
Memorial School04720%
Memorial School03190%
Memorial School05540%
Midland Street School02060%
Milford High School01,3240%
Mill Pond School18650.1%
Millbury Junior/Senior High School17400.1%
Millbury Street Elementary School05950%
Millville Elementary School03640%
Miscoe Hill School06350%
Montachusett Regional Vocational Technical School11,4090.1%
Mountview Middle School17720.1%
Murdock Academy for Success0220%
Murdock High School22630.8%
Murdock Middle School12690.4%
Naquag Elementary School03630%
Narragansett Middle School03590%
Narragansett Regional High School14680.2%
Nashoba Regional School18310.1%
Nelson Place School05750%
New Braintree Grade School0380%
Nipmuc Regional High School05990%
Norrback Avenue School05070%
North Brookfield Elementary School03020%
North Brookfield High School01360%
North Grafton Elementary School02440%
North High School01,3770%
North Street Elementary School05480%
Northbridge Elementary School09530%
Northbridge High School05130%
Northbridge Middle School04810%
Northwest School07270%
Oak Middle School09440%
Oakham Center01740%
Oakmont Regional High School06580%
Overlook Middle School05490%
Oxford High School03840%
Oxford Middle School05040%
P Brent Trottier School03850%
Pakachoag School02420%
Park Avenue Elementary School07370%
Park Street School01020%
Parker Road Preschool02030%
Paxton Center14540.2%
Petersham Center01260%
Priest Street School01340%
Quabbin Regional High School05660%
Quabbin Regional Middle School05170%
Quaboag Integrated Preschool0470%
Quaboag Regional High School03540%
Quaboag Regional Middle Innovation School02030%
Quinsigamond School07130%
Raymond E. Shaw Elementary School04580%
Reingold Elementary School06510%
Rice Square School04580%
Robert E. Melican Middle School125372.2%
Roosevelt School15660.2%
Royalston Community School01580%
Ruggles Lane School13880.3%
Samoset School05040%
Sarah W. Gibbons Middle School05900%
Shepherd Hill Regional High School19230.1%
Sherwood Middle School09480%
Shining Star Early Childhood Center11700.6%
Shrewsbury High School01,8230%
Sky View Middle School08860%
South Grafton Elementary School02940%
South High Community School01,6660%
South Street Early Learning Center05640%
Southbridge Academy0330%
Southbridge High School14570.2%
Southbridge Middle School04050%
Spring Street School03080%
Stacy Middle School31,0300.3%
Sullivan Middle School08270%
Sutton Early Learning School03260%
Sutton Elementary School13040.3%
Sutton High School13690.3%
Sutton Middle School02960%
Swanson Road Intermediate School15540.2%
Taft Early Learning Center15210.2%
Tahanto Regional High School15150.2%
Tantasqua Regional Junior High School05510%
Tantasqua Regional Senior High School06770%
Tantasqua Regional Vocational School15240.2%
Tatnuck School03850%
Templeton Elementary School06440%
Thomas Prince School03420%
Thorndyke Road School03630%
Toy Town Elementary School02940%
Turkey Hill Elementary School13530.3%
Union Hill School03900%
University Pk Campus School02240%
Uxbridge High School05900%
Vernon Hill School04740%
Wachusett Regional High School11,9300.1%
Walter J. Paton School02910%
Warren Elementary School03200%
Wawecus Road School01330%
Webster Middle School05900%
West Boylston Junior/Senior High School14330.2%
West Brookfield Elementary School02570%
West Street School03350%
West Tatnuck School03640%
Westborough High School01,1780%
Westminster Elementary School03890%
Whitin Intermediate School14950.2%
Winchendon PreSchool Program0720%
Wire Village School04170%
Woodland Academy04870%
Woodland School19430.1%
Worcester Arts Magnet School03680%
Worcester East Middle School07400%
Worcester Technical High School11,4690.1%


Southbridge High SchoolLeicester Middle SchoolQuaboag Integrated PreschoolLuther Burbank Middle SchoolMeetinghouse SchoolGates Lane SchoolHead StartDouglas Primary SchoolMemorial SchoolClinton Elementary SchoolLeicester High SchoolChandler Elementary Community SchoolCrocker Elementary SchoolNorthwest SchoolSouth High CommunityMilford High SchoolFitchburg High SchoolBurncoat Middle SchoolNorthbridge Elementary SchoolHeritage SchoolNorth Grafton Elementary SchoolHardwick Elementary SchoolDawson SchoolMajor Howard W. Beal SchoolChandler Magnet SchoolHoughton Elementary SchoolMckay Elementary SchoolNaquag Elementary SchoolMidland Street SchoolNelson Place SchoolOak Middle SchoolNarragansett Regional High SchoolClara Barton SchoolJ Harding Armstrong SchoolHopedale High SchoolHenry P. Clough SchoolMemorial SchoolBurncoat Street SchoolAuburn Middle SchoolMargaret A. Neary SchoolNorth High SchoolOakham CenterEast Brookfield Elementary SchoolBurgess Elementary SchoolBurncoat Senior High SchoolA. F. Maloney SchoolBrookfield Elementary SchoolMurdock Academy for SuccessNashoba Regional High SchoolGlenwood Elementary SchoolQuaboag Regional High SchoolPark Street SchoolJohn F. Kennedy Elementary SchoolNorrback Avenue SchoolFall Brook SchoolMontachusett Regional Vocational Technical SchoolMa Academy for Math and Science SchoolLeicester Integrated PreschoolBennett PreschoolElmwood Street SchoolSamoset SchoolCharlton Elementary SchoolColumbus Park SchoolShining Star Early Childhood CenterAlgonquin Regional High SchoolBrookside SchoolElsie A. Hastings Elementary SchoolBromfield SchoolGardner Middle SchoolCalvin Coolidge SchoolBriggs Elementary SchoolMemorial SchoolOverlook Middle SchoolRoyalston Community SchoolRice Square SchoolNorth Brookfield Elementary SchoolAlfred M. Chaffee SchoolCenter for Technical Education InnovationMemorial SchoolSouth Street Early Learning CenterPakachoag SchoolDudley Middle SchoolChocksett Middle SchoolLeominster High SchoolNarragansett Middle SchoolMay Street SchoolLa Familia Dual Language SchoolPetersham CenterSouth Grafton Elementary SchoolBartlett High SchoolGrafton High SchoolMemorial Middle SchoolQuinsigamond SchoolGardner Elementary SchoolGardner Academy for Learning and TechnologyQuaboag Regional Middle Innovation SchoolCharlton Middle SchoolFloral Street SchoolQuabbin Regional Middle SchoolSarah W. Gibbons Middle SchoolMason Road SchoolBlackstone Millville Regional High SchoolNew Braintree Grade SchoolAthol Community Elementary SchoolP Brent Trottier SchoolShepherd Hill Regional High SchoolOxford Middle SchoolAlbert S. Woodward Memorial SchoolMiscoe Hill SchoolClinton Senior High SchoolNorthbridge High SchoolEastford Road SchoolMary E. Finn SchoolLake View SchoolGoodrich AcademyLeominster Center for ExcellenceDouglas Middle SchoolElm Park Community SchoolBoylston Elementary SchoolNorthbridge Middle SchoolDouglas Elementary SchoolLincoln Street SchoolAnnie E. Fales SchoolFrancis J. McGrath Elementary SchoolClinton Middle SchoolFrederick W. Hartnett Middle SchoolKnox Trail Middle SchoolMarguerite E. Peaslee SchoolArthur M. Longsjo Middle SchoolMarion E. Zeh SchoolMillbury Junior/Senior High SchoolMillbury Street Elementary SchoolHubbardston CenterMurdock Middle SchoolDavid Prouty High SchoolFannie E. Proctor SchoolAuburn Senior High SchoolCity View SchoolQuabbin Regional High SchoolPriest Street SchoolSherwood Middle SchoolDudley Elementary SchoolMary Rowlandson Elementary SchoolBay Path Regional Vocational Technical High SchoolLunenburg Primary SchoolForest Grove Middle SchoolFrances Drake SchoolReingold Elementary SchoolGrafton Street SchoolNorth Brookfield High SchoolRuggles Lane SchoolCentral Tree Middle SchoolDouglas High SchoolGrafton Middle SchoolJacob Hiatt Magnet SchoolRaymond E. Shaw Elementary SchoolOxford High SchoolMillville Elementary SchoolMurdock High SchoolEarly Childhood CenterFlorence Sawyer SchoolRoosevelt SchoolGateway to CollegeBlackstone ValleyAdvanced Community Experience ProgramSky View Middle SchoolLunenburg Middle SchoolAthol-Royalston Middle SchoolGardner High SchoolLeicester Elementary SchoolDavis Hill Elementary SchoolShrewsbury High SchoolClark St. Community SchoolMill Pond SchoolLeroy E.Mayo SchoolNorth Street Elementary SchoolHeard Street SchoolMajor Edwards Elementary SchoolOakmont Regional High SchoolBryn Mawr SchoolSouthbridge AcademyGoddard School/Science TechnicalLunenburg High SchoolCharlton Street SchoolParker Road PreschoolBerlin Memorial SchoolNipmuc Regional High SchoolClaremont AcademyAthol High SchoolRobert E. Melican Middle SchoolLincoln Street SchoolLincoln SchoolJohnny Appleseed SchoolFlagg Street SchoolPaxton CenterBelmont Street Community SchoolDoherty Memorial High SchoolPark Avenue Elementary SchoolMountview Middle SchoolCanterbury School


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