Patrick Tutwiler Massachusetts Secretary of Education |
Patrick Tutwiler Massachusetts Secretary of Education |
Of all the students welcomed in the 2022-23 school year, 49.9% identified as male, 49.5% identified as female, and 0.6% identified themselves as non-binary or did not specify their gender.
Quaboag Regional School District registered the 227th-largest enrollment in the state.
Quaboag Regional School District roughly covers schools within Worcester County, and has a main office in Warren.
Students in Massachusetts are predominantly white, making up 53% of the student population in the state. Hispanic students come in second, representing over 25% of Massachusetts' student body.
However, across the state, Hispanic and Native American students suffered the highest high school dropout rates.
Under representation is also found among educators in Massachusetts. The Rennie Center reported that only 9% of teachers are people of color.
School name | Total Enrollment in 2021-2022 | Total Enrollment in 2022-2023 | % Change |
Quaboag Integrated Preschool | -- | 47 | -- |
Quaboag Regional High | 341 | 354 | 3.8% |
Quaboag Regional Middle Innovation School | 200 | 203 | 1.5% |
Warren Elementary | 353 | 320 | -9.3% |
West Brookfield Elementary | 247 | 257 | 4% |